Better Dutch Oven Cooking

My experience with Dutch Oven cooking started at a Camporee at the age of 12. My Scoutmaster held a black pot up saying this is a Dutch Oven. From there we did pretty simple stuff but learned many basics. We had a few failures. But dog gone it we ate good. During some 56 years of experience doing this l have come up with lots of little techniques and tricks of the trade that l will share with you over time.

Dutch oven cooking
Dutch Oven cooking

The International Dutch Oven Society (IDOS) is a great source of information about DOG’s (Dutch Oven Gatherings) and other Neat stuff. I also stick with an old standard when it comes to Dutch oven cooking and that is Lodge Dutch Ovens cast right down south in these United States In South Pittsburg, Tennessee. Others are available but I have not used them!

This week l’m going to share a one pot meal that l have used so many times my wife can’t even begin to guess how many times it’s graced our table. When she has a potluck at work the girls all request that l make a pot of chowder. Enough said: here it is!

Bean Chowder

12” Dutch Oven

15 Briquets

Bottom Heat Only

Brown: 1# lean ground beef

Add and cook until tender:

1/2 green pepper, chopped fine. 1 large onion, chopped

1 cup of chopped celery

You can replace these with dehydrated equivalent by 1/2 and add water to rehydrate

Add and bring to boil:

2 15oz. Cans of tomatoes (I like diced with onions or peppers)

1 8oz. Can tomato sauce

2 bay leaves

salt to taste

Pepper to taste

1/2 teaspoon chili powder

1/2 thyme

dash of Tabasco to taste

Reduce heat to 9 briquets. Add:

1 cup of raw potatoes, diced

1 15oz. Can of Green Beans (I like French-cut style)

2 15oz. Cans light Kidney Beans

2 15oz. Cans dark Kidney Beans

1 15oz. Can Pinto Beans

1 15oz. Can Garbanzo Beans

1 15oz. Can Red Beans

1 15oz. Can of Corn

Simmer until potatoes are tender and enjoy.

Footnote: you can drain water off beans and add water or do like I do and dump all liquid in containers in the pot. My Mom always used to say that all the vitamins that exist are in the liquid that is included in the can. 

Author:  Larry

Posted On:  October 1, 2023 @ 7:44 pm

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